Wings Trust | Manu Wairua

Our Staff

Wings Trust has helped over 3,000 people with addiction. With over 40 years of experience, our staff are there to help support each individual at every stage of their recovery journey.

Wings Trust Staff Team
Paul Langdon Wings Trust CEO

Paul has been working in the Social Services sector since 1981 and began specialising in Addiction Services in 1994 after seeking his own personal recovery.

His expertise as a clinician stems from a range of experience working in sector roles such as Alcohol, Drug, and Gambling Counsellor, Clinical Supervisor, Addictions Counselling Lecturer, and Clinical Management at Wings Trust /Manu Wairua in 2017 before stepping into the role of CEO in 2018.

Paul believes addiction initially masquerades as a seductive solution to life’s problems and stressors, entrapping some people in repeated patterns of destructive behaviour and negatively impacting the individual, whanau, and society. Recovery embraces hope, healthy connection, and the possibilities of growth requiring team solutions. Such a radical change becomes real when the individual reaches out for help acknowledging the need to change.

Paul has a partner, two children and two grandchildren. Outside of mahi, Paul has a passion for music, renovating and creative activities.

Anata Photo
Clinical Manager

Kia ora koutou. He uri tēnei no Ngāpuhi, no Te Rarawa, no Ngāti Raukawa. Te Kaiwhakahaere Hauora ō Manu Wairua ahau. Ko Anata tōku ingoa. I am a fully registered DAPAANZ Addictions Practitioner and a DAPAANZ Registered Supervisor.

I began my position as a full-time counsellor at Wings Trust/Manu Wairua in Jan 2015 and it has been (and still is) one of the most fulfilling experiences in my life. Before this position, I had worked at both the Salvation Army Bridge Program and CareNZ, gaining experience in both residential and community AOD services. My current role is as the Clinical Manager, supporting the CEO and the Clinical Team. I also sit on the Clinical Advisory Board for Tuhono Aotearoa and am a member of the Practice Standards Committee (PSC) for DAPAANZ.

I have personal experience of recovery and bring with me knowledge, empathy, compassion, understanding and support. My passion is to bring hope to those who want life to be different.

Te Kairukuruku о̄ Manu Wairua / Wings Coordinator
Kaiwhakahaere Operations Manager

Kia ora e te iwi. Ngāti Pōrou, Ngāti Whakaue, Ngāti Tukorehe, Ngāti Kahungunu ōku iwi.

I am a qualified addictions counsellor with lived experience in recovery. I graduated with my Bachelor of Counselling and Addictions Practice degree in 2021 and have worked for Wings Trust since 2019 where I was an original Manu Wairua steering committee member and facilitator of our Kaupapa Māori programme.

My roles have changed over the years with my most recent appointment to Operations Manager. Tikanga Māori are my guiding principles when ensuring the highest quality of services, systems, accommodation, and treatment programmes for our tangata whaiora.

If you have an interest in funding, resourcing or collaboration with our treatment services or programmes, please contact me directly. Hurihia tō aroaro ki te rā tukuna tō ātārangi kia taka ki muri i a koe – Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you.

Addictions Counsellor
Addictions Counsellor

I am a father of two and have worked in mental health, education and counselling fields for over nine years since 2013.

I have an MSocSc with Frist Class Honours, PGDip with Distinction, and BSocSc in psychology from the University of Waikato, and a PGCert in drug and alcohol addiction counselling from the University of Auckland.

I am interested in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Person-centred Intervention and Therapeutic Community Model. I enjoy working with people from different socio-cultural backgrounds and promoting mental health and well-being in New Zealand, especially among the Asian communities.

James Addictions Counsellor
Addictions Counsellor

I am fully registered with DAPAANZ and have been an Addiction Counsellor with Wings Trust since January 2022. I have also been involved with Wings Trust for several years prior, via the facilitation of weekly exercise groups, and completion of 3rd year student placement in 2021.

I completed a Bachelor of Addiction and Counselling Practice (Weltec) in 2021 and associated to previous career in the financial services industry where I worked for over 10 years, also hold a Bachelor of Commerce plus graduate diploma (Victoria University of Wellington).

I enjoy working with clients from a wide variety of backgrounds, as they make positive, healthy, and sustainable life changes, free from drugs and alcohol.

Araluen @ Wings Trust
Addictions Counsellor

I have been supporting people through my work as a DAPAANZ and ACC registered counsellor, and 500-hour registered Trauma-sensitive yoga facilitator for over a decade. I have worked in both the public and private health sectors and feel honoured to have walked alongside people as they rebuild and navigate their lives. I recognise that recovery is a brave and unique pathway to travel.

My approach to healing is based on an integrated practice of acknowledging all parts of ourselves – body, mind and spirit. Through counselling and trauma-sensitive yoga practices, I aspire to support people from an authentic and compassionate place with dedication to their empowerment in their own lives and recovery.

Ginny @ Wings Trust
Addictions Counsellor

I am a proud graduate of Wings Trust/Manu Wairua and a registered AOD practitioner with lived experience. I have a Bachelor of Arts with a double major in Psychology and Linguistics and a Postgraduate Certificate in Health Science specialising in Alcohol and Drug studies. I have been fully registered with DAPAANZ for the last few years and I love working in the addiction sector and being able to support Whaiora in their journey of wellness.

Before joining Wings Trust Manu Wairua, I worked at Odyssey, Auckland and was privileged to work across different teams to gain experience in the sector. I am passionate about what I do and love my job.

Wade Addictions Counsellor
Addictions Counsellor

Kia ora Whānau
Ko wai au?
Ko Ngātokimatawhāorua te waka
Ko te Hinahina te maunga
Ko Ngaruawahine te awa
Ko Ngapuhi te iwi
Ko Ngāti Hine te hapu
Ko Akerama te marae

Kia ora. My name is Wade Kake, and I am a very enthusiastic person who is passionate about working in the addictions sector. I believe that my lived experience of both addictions and the criminal justice system helps me to connect and build relationships with people who struggle with mental health and addiction issues. I hold the firm belief that recovery is always possible no matter what age, ethnicity or past experiences people have been through. I strive to uplift others Wairua with a mixture of being kind, understanding and challenging.

I have a passion for Rugby League, fitness, and spending time at the beach and with whānau. Your life doesn’t get better by chance it gets better by change. Mauri ora.

Carol Administration

I have been with Wings Trust since 2008 and I am responsible for all administration aspects at Wings. I book and arrange assessments.

I liaise with services such as WINZ and other organisations. It has been a pleasure to support many clients over the years and to witness the miracle of recovery.

Lauren Consumer Rights Advisor
Consumer Rights Advisor

I feel so grateful to have joined the Wings Team in November 2022 as the Consumer Rights Advisor.

I have come through the program myself and understand how unique and valuable Wings can be in supporting people into a brighter future.

The most important aspect of my role is building relationships with our whaiora. I strive to ensure our people are seen, heard, and held in their time at Wings Trust. I want them to feel empowered when bringing forth ideas and stand beside them to implement positive change in the community and their lives.  

Trevor @ Wings Trust